
Sunday, October 12, 2014

Thank You Hooksett Firefighters!

The Hooksett Firefighters came to our classroom last week!  They gave a fabulous presentation to the children!  They told the children how important it was to never hide if there was a fire at their house and they spoke of the importance of smoke detectors.  We also talked about having a meeting place to go to in case of a fire.  We talked to the children about how at school we have fire drills and our meeting place is in the big playground at the number 2.  Remember, it is also important to have fire drills at home and to have a meeting place, whether it be the mailbox or a neighbors house.  Please take a moment, talk as a family and practice going to your meeting place!  

Here is a peek at our week!

Abstract Fire Trucks!

The Hooksett Fire Fighters!

Dramatic Play!